Dear Mihir…

It took me an year long, to put my thoughts and feelings into words about you Mihir.

You were my boss for 4 years, and yet for all those years, we never ever had any personal conversations. Rarely we had any casual interactions and also whenever we spoke to each other, it was mostly professional. When I saw almost everyone around me having a great rapport with you, I chose to remain the last one, thanks to my introversion !

Today, I wish I would have known you more as a person, and could have shared more about myself. For me, I just followed you, hoping, that many such lost opportunities would come again to know you deeper. But never in my wildest imagination have I ever thought, that you would choose to transcend yourself to heavenly abode. I wish I could have broken through my hesitant shackles, but now all in vain.

In this professional world, where networking is of utmost importance, visibility is the keyword, and asking for growth adds more fuel to one’s career growth, than waiting, yet YOU TOOK GOOD CARE OF ME. And deep down, when I think, one long year down the line of losing you, I crave for that care !

While my mother was struggling with her life in a month long battle, you and the organization ensured that I recieve Zero office calls, so that I could devote full time to her care. Nobody, and absolutely nobody called for office work during those days. While she lost, I grieved, but your such small sensitive gestures ensured, that I am sold to you and the organization for life.

And it was not only me. You took care of everyone in your team across the board, like a father and a leader. I never had to ask you for a promotion or a hike or an appreciation, yet everything came my way. I never had to explain or plead, yet I always felt understood and was satiated. You always took it as a personal task, to ensure how you can augment your each and every team member’s growth. And hence, we always were a great team, as I was fighting for you, and you were fighting for me, in our individual professional battles.

If your life would be turned into a book, I would not even feature as a footnote, and yet, with all gratitude and regret, I must say, you are missed Mihir !

PS : Just a month before, you left us, I got the opportunity, to drive you to your home. And being an automotive buff, as soon as you sat, you pointed, “There is a problem with your car’s suspension”! I had got that resolved within the next few weeks itself Mihir, and was hoping to drive you again, but…

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