Mahila Bank or Mahila Police Stations ?

P. Chidambaram’s idea of creating “Mahila Bank” is silly to say the least. There aren’t any major banking issues with women in the urban. And for the rural also, women do prefer their men to take charge in financial issues.

India, desperately “Mahila Police Stations” instead. This would be an important confidence building measure for women across the stratas of society.  Currently, post “Nirbhaya” case and several horrific rape cases across India, Indian Government should take more steps to provide sense of security to women.

I would go a step further in suggesting, that we should even have “Mahila Courts” where, women related specific cases could be heard without condescending them !

Hope our PM is listening !

So guys, what would you all prefer a “Mahila Bank” or “Mahila Police Stations” ?

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