For AAP and Kiran Bedi – Its “Do or Die”!

Amidst BJP’s marketing fanfare, AAP’s grassroots connect, Congress’s submission and Issue-bereft personality-led Delhi elections, I find majority of voters undecided! Nevertheless whosoever wins, I find these Delhi elections “Do or Die” for “Kiran Bedi” and “Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)”! If it would have been any other election, the losing parties always have an opportunity to rebuild their party using its strong organizational base and vie for the next elections by being a strong opposition. They also have other avenues by contesting elections in other regions and stay relevant. The losing leader too commits him to the organization, as he had spent years into the arena, climbing up the ladder and to be at the helm of party politics. In this case, can both politically novice, AAP or Kiran Bedi convert this fad into a cult? Have the forthcoming loser, either Kiran Bedi or AAP, thought about its political life beyond these elections? Because, believe me or not, I foresee either of them dying of their own sword. 305273-arvind-kejriwal-kiran-bedi-collage-dna

“AAP” was an idea emerged out of “India Against Corruption” campaign to break away from the conventional politics run mostly by the corporates, corrupts, criminals and godmen. These torchbearers of alternative politics had given a new hope to many voters as being harbingers of change.

But being a very young and small political party with Delhi being their only political foothold, AAP cannot allow itself to lose these elections. Because if they do, their party may crumble with internal clashes and resignations. AAP would not be able to even dream being in power anywhere till 2019. Powerlessness and Hopelessness would test each one’s loyalty and commitment to bring change in Indian politics. In the past as well, AAP had been creating headlines for its questionable organizational skills and nonsensical political strategies. Hope AAP leaders have chalked out their plans as a unit, beyond these current Delhi elections.

For Kiran Bedi, she have been avoiding entering into the electoral politics. Desperate BJP lured her into politics, with the CM position, and she grabbed the opportunity. Who in the world doesn’t salute to the rising sun? Kiran Bedi would have thought it to be a cake-walk, a safe bet, to debut as a Chief Minister in politics, from a party who is on a winning streak across India.

But what if AAP stumps them? Would Kiran Bedi sit as an opposition leader for 5years and be irrelevant ! Or she would be absorbed by the BJP Central Govt., ditching it’s Delhi voters, who assumes her to be with them through thick and thin. Or she would be used and then thrown into dump by the BJP itself, reducing her persona to nothing.

Politics is not only about being in power or planning for the event called elections. It’s a journey of untiring selfless public service and not the destination of designations. Politics is about being on toes, if being in power. Or keeping the government on its toes, if in opposition!

Personally, I believe in Ideas, Policies and Processes over People. One Kiran Bedi may come and go, but the idea of AAP shouldn’t die an early death!

2014 General Elections : One Man’s Race !

Subash Chandra Bose once said, “No other constitution can flourish in India and it is to India’s good that dictator should rule her to begin with … she suffers from so many ills that only a ruthless dictator can cure her”

Considering Congress’s suicidal attempts and Kejriwal’s accidents… Seems like only one man is running in the PM’s race. Nothing seems like stopping NaMo to become India’s new PM.

Subash Chandra Bose’s dream (atleast this one) is coming alive !

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