“Love Jihad”… A step backwards !

Marriages, beyond the ethnic boundaries, were a huge social stigma, in India. A decade earlier, inter-caste and inter-culture marriages were a big no-no; inter-religion marriages were considered blasphemy. Although the laws permit such marriages, yet majority youths of this country were under such extreme social duress, that they didn’t even dare to think about the opposite-sex of different ethnicity. Arranged marriages obeyed sheepishly such unwritten social commandments; love-marriages reluctantly tend to expand the horizon. But with education, travel, globalization and prosperity, the mindsets evolved, and hence love marriages between different caste, cultures and religions were now more acceptable. Our Indian society, although very slowly, was ambling towards anti-endogamy by breaking the social and religious shackles.

But then, bigotries leeched on to our evolving social wisdom, and coined the word “Love-Jihad”. Religious extremists venomously used it as hiring followers and attrition management tool. Media naively shared it, discussed it. Political parties tried scoring points by using it as vote-hoarding tool. And the progression of social evolution was pushed into coma. With the fear of family and relationships being bruised, in this communal crossfire, now every Hindu-Muslim Love-story, would be reassessing its future. Now no more a Muslim boy will dare to ask a Hindu girl out on date. Now no Muslim girl will say yes to Hindu boy’s proposal. Now again, “The Cupid” or “The Kaamdev” has to be selective before any love-infused match-making. Now no family would allow their children to have inter-religion marriage. Even if young couples would dare to go against it, if not the family, the religious extremists may kill them in the name of honor.

It took us ages for our society to gift freedom to newer generations of choosing their soulmates from any ethnicity, but it took only one chapter called Love-Jihad, to take us back to medievalism.

9 thoughts on ““Love Jihad”… A step backwards !

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  1. Vibhor, Nice read as always. Well, the so called inter caste marriages( Read: Supposedly Love Jihad) are still in such an insignificant number that even a 8 digit precision check post decimal will also round it off to zero. Those who believe in it( Love jihad) dont do it anyways and those who do not, hardly cares about what those loonies are talking. Its not talking India to medieval for sure, Its talking those Loonies to pre civilization era for sure


  2. Vibhor, Nice read as always. Well, the so called inter caste marriages( Read: Supposedly Love Jihad) are still in such an insignificant number that even a 8 digit precision check post decimal will also round it off to zero. Those who believe in it( Love jihad) dont do it anyways and those who do not, hardly cares about what those loonies are talking. Its not talking India to medieval for sure, Its talking those Loonies to pre civilization era for sure!


  3. Well, it has nothing to do with being an extremist rather it has everything to do with being a fundamentalist (One follows the fundamentals of the religion). Muslims are simply not allowed in their religion to marry non-Muslims.

    We, Muslim men, are only allowed to marry a Jew or a Christian (See, People of the book).


  4. Pls understand completely about love jihad before writing a blog. The concept of love jihad was first observed in kerala and it’s c.m and high court agreed that such a thing has been happening. 99% of the Hindu girls who marry muslims are converted and their children bear muslim names. Is this not a propaganda for conversion?


    1. Thanks for reading. Though in the blog I have carefully tried supporting or defaming any religion. This post represents those innocent inter-faith love stories, which will die its untimely death,because of this phenomena in the news media and politicization if the issue.


      1. The news has to be publicised, because it creates awareness among all and help the innocent girls from getting trapped into it.


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